Introduction to Authentication in Python
You know how we want to make sure just the correct people can access the correct stuff online? This is where authentication comes in—it's all about ensuring you're dealing with someone, a tool, or a system—that you believe you are dealing with. It's absolutely crucial, particularly when handling private information or working on anything requiring user-specific capabilities.
Now, if you use Python—a high-level programming language rather well-known for its simplicity and ease of use—you have several approaches to manage authentication in your apps. Python's great tools and frameworks let you create safe programs without sacrificing your sanity over difficult code. Python's got you covered to keep your resources hidden from prying eyes whether you're creating a slick RESTful API, a web project using Django or Flask, or even just writing a script to speak with some outside service.
This article right here will walk you through the entire shebang—many techniques of authentication you can use with Python, how to do it using Python's requests module, and a lot of advice to ensure your app's authentication is absolutely robust and operates like a dream. We also will explore some advanced topics such OAuth, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), and token-based authentication.
This guide's got your back whether you're a total rookie just plunging in or a Python whiz brushing up on your abilities to assist you precisely handle safe authentication in your Python projects.
Understanding HTTP Basic Authentication
When someone is seeking to access web content, HTTP Basic Authentication is a simple approach to find out whether they are who they claim they are. The customer just makes an HTTP request with an authorization header. Beginning "Basic," this header then consists of a space followed by a string squeezed together and encoded in base64 that combines their login and password. Assuming your username is "user" and your password is "pass," your header would so look something like this:
Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNz
Just "user:pass" sent through the base64 ringer that is the strange string "dXNlcjpwYXNz." Want to set up HTTP Basic Authentication with the requests module of Python? It's simple:
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
response = requests.get('', auth=HTTPBasicAuth('user', 'pass'))
The code above is undergoing:
- You first are importing the HTTPBasicAuth class from requests.auth and the requests library.
- Then, using the HTTPBasicAuth class, toss in your username and password after shooting a GET request over to ""
Should all go according, the server issues a 200 OK status code, so indicating your in! Should things go wrong, though, you will find yourself with a 401 Unauthorized status code.
Here are some few notes about HTTP Basic Authentication:
- Though not the safest, it gets the work done. You really to couple the username and password with HTTPS to keep your data safe in transport since the complete base64 bit is not encrypted.
- Features like resetting passwords, locking accounts, or multi-factor authentication are not packed in there. For such, you will have to investigate more advanced choices.
- Perfect for testing or smaller internal projects with few users, it's quite simple and quick to start.
Watch this space for our future piece, which will explore Digest Authentication—a beefed-up form of Basic Authentication!
Implementing Digest Authentication
Let's explore Digest Verification now! From Basic Authentication, this is a security step upward. Using a cryptographic hash function to jumble the password before forwarding it to the server, Digest Authentication substitutes for transmitting your login and password as an open book. This means that even if someone steals the HTTP request, they're not going to be able to figure out your password, which is very awesome. Should you be dealing with Python, the requests library simplifies the digestion of Digest Authentication setup.
Here is an example:
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPDigestAuth
url = ''
response = requests.get(url, auth=HTTPDigestAuth('user', 'pass'))
The code looks as follows:
- First we import from requests.auth the HTTPDigestAuth class and the requests library.
- We next use our login and password with the HTTPDigestAuth class to launch a GET query to the URL.
Should all be kosher, the server assigns a 200 OK status code and thumbs-up. You will be greeted with a 401 Unauthorized status code, though, should the authentication prove problematic.
These ideas should help you keep Digest Authentication in perspective:
- It is more robust in security than Basic Authentication since it does not transmit plain text passwords.
- Having said that, it is not as restricted as some other approaches available, such as OAuth or Token-Based Authentication, which we will discuss later.
- Like with Basic Authentication, you still won't find capabilities including password reset, account lockout, or multi-factor authentication here.
- Because of the cryptographic hash, it uses somewhat more processing resources than Basic Authentication.
Stay around since, beginning with OAuth, we will next explore some more sophisticated and highly secure approaches of managing authentication.
OAuth and Python: A Comprehensive Guide
Let's talk about OAuth (Open Authorization), which lets apps share your data without ever requiring your password—akin to a backstage pass. When you log onto an app using your Google or Facebook account, you know? That's OAuth acting like it should! OAuth may be worked with using various excellent Python tools; OAuthLib is one useful one. Here's a basic illustration of how OAuthLib lets you have users log in using Google:
from oauthlib.oauth2 import WebApplicationClient
import requests
# Initialize the client with your client_id
client = WebApplicationClient(client_id)
# Redirect the user to the authorization URL
authorization_url = client.prepare_request_uri(
scope=["openid", "email", "profile"],
This bit captures what is happening:
- Export the WebApplicationClient class from oauthlib.oauth2 and the requests library first.
- Create the Web Application Client with your client ID.
- Send the user on over to this URL after getting the authorization URL ready with all the correct settings.
Your app will be whisked back to your redirect_uri with a code tagged along in the query once the user gives its seal of approval.
After that, you will trade this code for an access token such as this:
token_url = ""
token_response =
"grant_type": "authorization_code",
"code": code,
"redirect_uri": redirect_uri,
"client_id": client_id,
"client_secret": client_secret,
These ideas should help you keep OAuth in perspective:
- Let people log in with services they currently use—Google, Facebook, or Twitter—OAuth is strong and maintains security.
- Setting up this is a little more involved than Basic or Digest Authentication.
- Since users are spared having to remember yet another login and password, it provides a better experience.
- With whatever provider you are using, you must register a client_id and client_secret.
Token-Based Authentication in Python
Let's start with Token-Based Verification! This approach finds users with a distinct token. After you successfully log in, the server sends you this token; you will have to include it in your HTTP header for all of your next searches. The server thus knows you are knocking on the door. The requests tool in Python makes Token-Based Authentication simple as hell.
Here's a brief example:
import requests
url = ''
headers = {'Authorization': 'Token your_token'}
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
The code operates as follows:
- First we consult the requests library.
- We next specify the URL for the resource we wish to access together with a headers dictionary including our token.
- We next make a GET request to the URL, being sure to include our headers containing the token.
Should your token check out, beneath a 200 OK success code the server supplies all you require. Should a problem, however, develop—such as the invalid or expired token—you will be assigned a 401 Unauthorized status code.
Keep these salient features of Token-Based Authentication under consideration:
- Since the token expires after some time or can be revoked by the server, it is rather safe.
- It's stateless, so the server doesn't have to recall all about authorized sessions. This qualifies perfectly for distributed systems and scaling.
- You can have fine-grained control over rights—that is, distributing tokens with different scopes or expiration dates.
- The customer must carefully save the token and slap it onto every future demand.
Using Python Requests for Authentication
Because it's so simple and quick to use, the Python requests module is the go-to tool for making HTTP requests. It also covers your back with techniques for Basic, Digest, and OAuth among other forms of authentication. We have already looked over how to employ requests for Basic, Digest, and Token-Based Authentication. Let now explore how you might apply it for OAuth:
import requests
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1
url = ''
response = requests.get(url, auth=auth)
This code runs as follows:
- We first import from requests_oauthlib the OAuth1 class and the requests library.
- We next build an OAuth1 object using our app key, app secret, user OAuth token, and user OAuth token secret after configuring the URL for the resource we are wanting.
- At last, we make a GET request to the URL carrying our OAuth1 object with us as OAuth parameter.
Should all go according to plan, the server forward the goodies you are looking for together with a 200 OK status code. Should something seem wrong, you will be assigned a 401 Unauthorized status code.
Here are some things to consider while utilizing Python requests for authentication:
- Working with the requests package is simple, hence it's quite a popular choice for HTTP requests in Python.
- It supports tons of basic, digest, OAuth, even bespoke, authentication techniques.
- Your companion on OAuth is the requests_oauthlib extension.
- Dealing with sensitive data like passwords or tokens, always use HTTPS to avoid any man-in---the-middle antics.
Python and JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are an open standard for very small JSON packaging that reliably shuffle data across parties. For switching data and authentication, they are quite convenient. A JWT comprises three levels: a header, a payload, and a signature, much as a sandwich with three layers. If you use Python, PyJWT is one of numerous lovely packages to assist you.
PyJWT allows you to generate and validate a JWT with a basic example here:
import jwt
# Create a JWT
payload = {'user_id': 123, 'name': 'John Doe'}
secret = 'secret'
token = jwt.encode(payload, secret, algorithm='HS256')
# Verify a JWT
decoded_payload = jwt.decode(token, secret, algorithms=['HS256'])
What then is occurring in the code above?
- First we incorporate the JWT library.
- We then generate a secret string, whip up a payload dictionary with some basic data, then use jwt.encode to create a JWT.
- We then unwalk the payload using jwt.decode to verify the JWT.
Should all be perfect, jwt.decode reverses the decoded payload. If not, you may run into a JWT.Invalid Token Error.
These should help you to keep JWT in perspective:
- JWTs are a neat and safe method of data passing.
- For authentication, they are fantastic; once logged in, any follow-up request can pack the JWT and enable users access what they need with that token in hand.
- It's advised not to save any sensitive data in a JWT since the payload there is not tightly protected.
- The signature serves to ensure that nothing changed along the route and that the sender of the JWT is authentic.
Python and Session Authentication
Once you log in successfully, session authentication is mostly about the server creating a session on your behalf and then forwarding a session ID to you. Every request you send after must contain this session ID so the server knows who is speaking. Good news: Python's Flask has Session Authentication ready to go.
Here is a little sample to show:
from flask import Flask, session, redirect, url_for, escape, request
app = Flask(__name__)
@app.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def login():
if request.method == 'POST':
session['username'] = request.form['username']
return redirect(url_for('index'))
return '''
def index():
if 'username' in session:
return 'Logged in as %s' % escape(session['username'])
return 'You are not logged in'
What then is occurring in the code?
- We first import from the flask library the items we require.
- We next create two routes: '/login' and '/\' and run up a Flask web server.
- Regarding the "/login" path, we verify whether the POST for the method is correct. If so, we send the form's username across to the index page after stashing it in the session.
- On the "/" path, we search the session for "username". Should it exist, we offer a welcome note. Should not be so, we inform the user they are not logged in.
Here are some pointers regarding Session Authentication:
- It's popular and simple for login.
- It is stateful, hence the server monitors running sessions.
- Look for session hijacking—where someone might grab the session ID and pass for you.
- Usually in a cookie, the client must keep onto the session ID.
Authentication with Python Flask
Lightweight Python web framework Flask is not only quick to install but also rather flexible. It can manage session and token-based as well as other types of authentication. Flask-Login will help you to run sessions without problems. It handles user in- and out-logging as well as even remembers who they are over extended times.
Flask-Login allows you to utilize user authentication like this:
from flask import Flask, redirect, url_for, render_template
from flask_login import LoginManager, UserMixin, login_user, login_required, logout_user
app = Flask(__name__)
login_manager = LoginManager()
class User(UserMixin):
def __init__(self, id): = id
def load_user(user_id):
return User(user_id)
def home():
return 'Welcome!'
def login():
user = User('1')
return redirect(url_for('home'))
def logout():
return 'Logged out!'
The code operates as follows:
- We first draw in the required modules from the flask and flask_login libraries.
- We then configured a Flask web server and have the LoginManager rolling.
- We build a User class that expands UserMixin by including default methods expected of user objects by Flask-Login.
- Defined as a user loader callback, it retrieves a session user.
- We set three paths: "/logout," "/login," and "/". The @login_required decorator shields the "/' route—that means only logged-in users can access.
Important ideas to consider regarding Flask authentication:
- Lightweight and flexible, Flask lets you mix authentication techniques.
- Managing user sessions properly is much improved with Flask-Login.
- Popular choices for exploring authentication and permission include Flask-Security and Flask-JWT.
- When handling sensitive data like passwords or tokens to avoid any man-in- the middle antics, always use HTTPS.
- We will then discuss Python Django application authentication.
Authentication with Python Django
Designed as a high-level Python web framework, Django is all about enabling you to rapidly and cleanly create objects. It is loaded with a strong authentication system covering user accounts, groups, permissions, and cookie-based user sessions.
Let's see how you might make advantage of the Django authentication system:
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login
from django.http import HttpResponse
def login_view(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
username = request.POST['username']
password = request.POST['password']
user = authenticate(request, username=username, password=password)
if user is not None:
login(request, user)
return HttpResponse("Logged in successfully")
return HttpResponse("Invalid username or password")
# Render the login form
return render(request, 'login.html')
The code above shows this:
- First we import from django.contrib.auth and django.http the tools we require.
- We subsequently specify a view function for our login path.
- Should the request be POST, we grab the username and password from the request, attempt to authenticate the user, and log them in should all go according.
- Should it be not a POST request, we only display the login form.
Some notable features of Django authentication:
- For the typical authentication chores, Django's incredibly flexible system includes useful built-in views and forms.
- It can manage token-based and session authentication as among the several ways of authentication.
- Fields for username, password, email, and more abound in Django's User model. Should it be necessary, you can also replace or extend it with your own model.
- For POST requests, always employ CSRF protection to guard against cross-site request forgery attacks.
Securing Python APIs with Authentication
Locking down APIs built in Python with authentication is absolutely essential to ensure only authorised users may access particular resources. There are several approaches depending on the framework you use. With the Flask-JWT-Extended addon, integrating JWT-based authentication is a snap for Flask APIs.
Here's a basic illustration:
from flask import Flask, jsonify, request
from flask_jwt_extended import JWTManager, jwt_required, create_access_token
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['JWT_SECRET_KEY'] = 'secret'
jwt = JWTManager(app)
@app.route('/login', methods=['POST'])
def login():
if request.is_json:
username = request.json.get('username', None)
password = request.json.get('password', None)
if username == 'test' and password == 'test':
access_token = create_access_token(identity=username)
return jsonify(access_token=access_token), 200
return jsonify({"msg": "Bad username or password"}), 401
@app.route('/protected', methods=['GET'])
def protected():
return jsonify({'result': 'You are viewing a protected page'})
That code is displaying this:
- We import first what we require from the flask and flask_jwt_extended libraries.
- We next configured the JWT secret key, built a Flask web server, and turned on the JWTManager.
- We design a "/login" path whereby, should the username and password match, we generate a JWT and mark them as correct.
- We also created a "/protected" path the @jwt_required decorator locks down.
- The Django Rest Framework (DRF) is your go-to for Django APIs since it provides TokenAuthuation and SessionAuthuation as among the several authentication techniques.
Here's things to keep in mind while using authentication to guard your Python APIs:
- To prevent man-in----the-middle attacks, always flip the switch on HTTPS when communicating sensitive information such passwords or tokens.
- Choose the authentication technique most appropriate for your circumstances. Web apps benefit much from session authentication; APIs would be better suited from token-based authentication.
- Turn to tried-and-true libraries and extensions for authentication to save time and avoid security lapses.
- Don't hardcode those secret keys in your code or dump them into version control; keep them under wraps.
Best Practices for Python Authentication
Maintaining your data safe and your users' privacy depends on strong authentication in your Python applications.
Here are some great pointers to consider:
- Use Secure Password Hashing: Never keep passwords easily visible. Salt and hash them first always. Python's hashlib will help you; but, libraries like Bcrypt or Passlib provide even more strong security and are really user-friendly.
- Make sure all of your sensitive information—passwords or tokens included—is transferred over HTTPS. This encrypts what you are sending and locks it from curious hands.
- Validate user input first before you handle it. Blocking security flaws including XSS and SQL injection depends on this stage. For this exactly, both Django and Flask include useful tools.
- Make your tokens strong and secure whether you are using token-based authentication. They must be distinct, unpredictable, and lengthy. For producing and verifying these safe tokens, libraries like PyJWT or hazardous are fantastic.
- Correctly Manage Verification Errors: Should someone fail their login, address the issue gently and provide a clear note. Leave your error messages ambiguous enough to not assist any would-be attackers.
- Use already-existing libraries and frameworks; why would one want to reinvent the wheel? If you need something more, there are plenty of outside choices; Python libraries and frameworks like Django and Flask include built-in authentication mechanisms.
- Maintaining Your Libraries Up to Date: Libraries often include security gap fixes in updates. Staying safe requires you to be running the most recent versions.
- Store Notes Safely: Never hardcode sensitive data including tokens, API keys, or database credentials. Handle them securely with environment variables or a decent password manager.